Wednesday, August 31, 2016

30 Days Of Genius Blog: Gary Vaynerchuk

If you don’t know Gary Vee (@GaryVee), he is in the business of building businesses. What separates him is his ability to create an environment and culture of no nonsense, hard charging, realistic, and self-aware partners and employees. I have to admit, I will listen to any and all keynotes this man gives because there is always something different, something golden. That’s how good he is. He can take his perspectives and strategies and apply them everywhere, to anyone. No matter who he is talking to, he is able to take the “story” and apply it to them. He is incredible.

I have taken his interview on 30 Days of Genius with Chase Jarvis, extracted the information, and used it to answer common questions by readers just like you, who are looking to take their lives to the next level, or at least a different level than the one they are on.

Please enjoy.

How Do I Win?

The first thing you need to do is think long game. Don’t worry about what is hot right now, or what is viral right now, think 5, 10, 20 years down the road. How are you going to get there? It starts with steps today. I believe social media is necessary for every business, period. Did you miss the Twitter boat? The Instagram boat? Are you on Snapchat yet? Get there as soon as you can, and absorb it. Learn how to use it, watch other people using it, and master it. No followers? Who cares? We are looking years down the road. The ability to story tell on a variety of platforms will only help you. 

Maybe you missed out on the apps today, but you have built your skills up so when the next thing pops you are all over it and can make your mark there. Long game. Patience is key.

You will eventually need to learn how to translate the context of whatever medium you are dealing with to your message. Writing, photos, videos, clips, GIFs, whatever. You need to be able to tell your story in a way that allows the eyes and ears of your targeted audience can hear you. The only way to do that is to learn how to use those platforms, and how to get your message across. If you are in the creative field, it has never been easier to stake a claim in your market. You are creative! This allows you to move sooner, adjust more quickly, and buy up “real estate” sooner than your contemporaries. This time that we are living in now is geared for your skill set, you just need to take advantage of it and stop complaining.

Effort is such an undervalued component to “winning.” Outwork people. Period. In time, you will win. People sell themselves short, they are too busy binge watching TV, complaining that the chips are stacked against them. That’s who you are competing with, complainers. You want to be one of them? If your grandparents heard your excuses for why you weren’t where you wanted to be they would come out of their graves and punch you in the face. Wars, famines, ethnic cleansing, dust bowls, etc and you are bitching about your followers? Opportunities? Complaining is for losers who never get things done. Think about that the next time you are trying to explain your position in the market. Boo hoo. STFU and get to work.

If you are a complainer, you need to seriously sit down and evaluate where and how you spend your time. You can’t complain your way to more talent. You can’t complain your way to more opportunities. Self-awareness is the game. Control your time. You don’t have to do things that waste time. You are choosing to. It’s all on you. Catch the game. There is always something new, something different. If you are outworking people, if you stop wasting time, if you are the best at your craft, you will win.

How Do I Build My Business/Brand?

The answer is the same, be self-aware, focus on the long game.

Know where you are at. Get business before you start acting like you are the shit. Do something first. Play the small clubs to get to stadiums. It is a building process. If you are looking 10 years down the line, what are the stepping stones to get you there? It doesn’t happen overnight. It is grinding and grinding day after day for years and it slowly builds up. Keep doing. Keep learning. Remember to come down from the clouds and play in the dirt, work hungry, and learn.

Two tips to make sure you don’t get stuck while building out your business:

1. Doing the right projects for the right people and the right time for free can lead the big ones you really want to do. Play both ends of the spectrum and stay out of the middle. Either you get paid $XXXX to do a job because they are paying you, or you do it for $0 because it is something that can jumpstart your career, or take it to another level.

If Metallica wants you to open up for them at Met Life Stadium, do it for free. It can lead to much bigger things than the few grand you would demand.

2. Never do the next job for the same price you did the last one. Keep doing that until the market tells you it is too much. If you are always the $500 guy, you will never be the $10,000 guy. Build it up, when you can’t get a certain amount, the market has told you that you have reached the ceiling. Find the ceiling.


“Your grandparents would come out of the grave and punch you in the face if they heard you complaining about what you can’t do compared with what they had to deal with.”

“We are so lucky. You could have been an ant.”

“If you are a white man in America, you should go to jail for complaining”

“Scale the un-scale-able.”

Gary Vaynerchuk Links

Chase Jarvis Links

Joey Links

Kaep's Civil Rights Movement

I have to chime in on the Colin Kaepernick situation.

It’s happening in my backyard.

It’s happening on my team.

So here are my thoughts.

The Endgame

What’s the endgame here?

How does sitting for the national anthem create social change?

I have no idea.

He wants to bring awareness to the racial dynamics in America?

Was it a secret?

It’s on the news all the time.

In fact, I would go so far to say that if you are walking around, completely oblivious to the racial dynamics in this country, one, you are either not observant or not paying attention, and two, a backup quarterback on a (hopefully .500) ball club is not going to bring you to the intended epiphany Mr. Kaepernick is shooting for.

Awareness? Seriously? Maybe he hasn’t noticed all the riots, shootings, reactions to shootings, etc. that have been a constant for the last two years.



Good thing Colin is sitting down before a game, or the world may never have been aware of this issue.


What is sitting going to do? We were talking about racial tensions every day. Now all we are talking about is you sitting, not the racial tensions you are “bringing awareness” to.


Obviously a well thought out plan.

For Those Of You That Are Offended

I have to admit. I am one of them.

Colin’s actions really do bother me.

The sitting down part?

Hell no, his QB play the last 3 years.

It offends me.

Adjust my man!! Learn the defense! Holy s***.

For everyone else that is offended, you all are idiots. You can’t be offended unless you let yourself be offended. Remember that. What Kaep does or does not do should have no effect on why you are as patriotic as you are.

Did Kaep standing make your “American” experience better? Hell no, so neither should his sitting. 

Stop being such a p***y and enjoy the game.

Your family served in the military? Good for them.

You are a cop? Good for you.

What the hell does that have to do with the backup QB for the 49ers? Absolutely nothing, unless you let it.

He is not a terrorist (although, if he keeps growing his hair and beard out I am certain of a “random” NSA check at the airport in his near future). He is not saying he hates the country. He is saying he doesn’t like where we are racially at this point. It’s not like there aren’t racial tensions. It’s not like there isn’t racism. It’s not like he is wrong about what is wrong in this country. And just because I don’t see how sitting down is going to do anything to solve any of those issues, his points are valid.

If you don’t see that, you are mentally retarded.

If you are letting this one dude get you pissed off, you are a dumb-dumb.

There are much more important things to get mad about.

Like his accuracy.

Like his decision making.

Like his pocket movement.

You know? Important stuff.

Rodney Harrison

He said the worst thing you can possibly say to any mixed race individual, you are not black (or black enough).


Way to help the ‘ol racial tensions there Rod.

He is technically fighting for your “team.” The least you could do is not take a s*** on his head.

Kaep is black because society says he is. Does he have a white mom, yes (whom he needs to forgive and meet. I think 90% of his issues come from that. Get some closure bud. Move on). But he is black because in America you are either white or black.

Black mom, white dad? You’re black.

Black grandma? You’re black.

Why? Because of the “one drop” rule (from the 1800s, way to evolve America!!). One drop of “black” makes you “black.”

As much as Rodney thinks Kaep doesn’t know what it is like to be a black man in America, he does.

I guarantee he has been called a n***er.

I guarantee when they read Tom Sawyer in middle school, every time they said n***er they looked at Kaep.

He may have been just Colin when he was younger, a mixed kid, but society made him black. It is an identity because “we” force that identity on people. He can’t just be a person. He has to be either a white or black person.

So, he is not white, and what happens on the other end? You get dicks like Harrison that say you aren’t black, or black enough either.

“So what team am I supposed to be on? No one wants me.”

You end up making race part of your identity because race has been made a part of your identity.

How does this manifest?

You stop being a person and you start focusing on your race.

Instead of Colin, you become The Black Guy Colin, or, The White Guy Colin.

If you let guys like Harrison get to you, you get pulled out of being just you, something special and unique, and you start trying to be “white” or trying to be “black.”

What the hell does that even mean?

How do you “be” black?

How do you “be” white?

That’s when you start grasping on to stereotypes. You start imitating whatever your interpretation of whatever you are trying to be is. You are all over the place. You are not you. You are the created identity of you. You are what you want your identity to be.

That’s a strange place to be.

Focus On Being You

You can’t let people tell you that white people don’t do this and black people don’t do that.

We are all people.

Do what you like.

Ignore stereotypes.

Love yourself.

Be yourself.

You can sit, or you can stand, but if you are always looking out, you are never looking in.


He is an alcoholic.

He is recovering, but he will always be an alcoholic.

He knows it, and that’s what will keep him alive.

“It” is always waiting in the shadows. “It” is always whispering to him.


He has almost died twice.

Alcohol is the only drug that can kill you when you are getting clean. It’s the only one you can’t stop without help.

The others will make you feel like you are going to die, but the liquor will actually kill you.

Inside Out

To best serve you, I had him walk me through his progression. You don’t just wake up one day physically addicted to vodka, it develops over time. The sickness slowly, but not so gently, grips you a little tighter as time goes on. Before you know it, you are completely consumed.

I wanted to know what he was thinking. I wanted to know what his friends and family were thinking. 

What were they saying? When did people step in? When did he recognize that there might be an issue? These are the things I wanted to know because I think they are the things that will be able to help you the most.

Are you an addict?

Is your loved one an addict?

Find your story on his spectrum, and take control of your situation before it is too late.

If his parents didn’t step in, he would be dead.

His words, not mine.

You are no longer able to help them at that point.

So don’t wait until then.

The Beginning

It all started where most of us start drinking, high school. He hung out with older guys on the football team, they partied on the weekends. It was fun. There were girls. There was beer. And so it started.

But he had boundaries.

He would buy a 12-pack, but he would pour most of them out in the bushes. It is the classic “carry a cup so it looks like you are drinking” strategy. He bought 12, but he was only drink 3–4. He stopped when he started feeling a little too buzzed. He couldn’t go home wasted, right?

As time progressed, as it always does, like a slow submersion in to a freezing lake, he got a little deeper, a little more comfortable, with every step.

By his senior year, he was consuming that 12-pack.

But he still had boundaries.

He was only drinking on the weekends.

Still had to go to school, still had to be home on school nights, still had to answer to his parents.

But they noticed that he was sleeping in until the afternoon on Saturdays and Sundays.

“What are you doing?” they would ask him.

But they knew. He was doing what all kids his age do, hanging out with friends.

He was surrounded by kids doing the same thing he was. There can’t be a problem if everyone is doing the same thing, right?

It was a party. He was having fun. In fact, he was having the most fun. He was the party animal of his high school. Literally. He won “Party Animal” in the 1997 yearbook. Not exactly the thing you want to be remembered for, especially the “praying to the porcelain gods” part, but it was working for him at the time.

Lesson for loved ones: Pay attention to your kids. When behaviors start to change, check in, look a little closer. It is never too early to have a serious conversation. Come from love. Never yell, or they will never hear you. Talk to them when they are sober, in the morning, and adjust to allow them to hear you. It can be stopped early, when it is easier, or it can progress in to a beast too large to contain. Act early. Even if they are “just being a kid.” This is not just any kid, this is your kid.


Not having an idea of what he wanted to major in, he stuck around, went to a JC in the area, continued to party, now with a slightly smaller, slightly younger group. Most of his friends were off at college, so his choice of “partners” were the ones that hung around, and the friends still in high school.

Still a large group, still receiving positive reinforcement for having the most fun, still only partying on the weekends, still having to answer to parents, and still had boundaries.

But it was time to go away to college.

Transferring from The Bay Area down to Santa Barbara, his boundaries slowly (or quickly) came crashing down.

No parents?

Similar group of partiers?

No parents?

Isla Vista? The most concentrated area of college kids in the world?

No parents?

No oversight?

I get to make my own decisions?

No parents?

Sounds perfect!

When he came home for Thanksgiving that first year he had gained 40 pounds (in 4 months), was bloated, fat, and already on the verge of failing all of his classes (because the professors were all f***ed).

That’s when a close and respected friend took him aside, and told him he was drinking too much.

You know what?

He heard it. He agreed with him. He reflected on what he had been doing, and his friend was right.

That epiphany lasted about as long as it takes you to drive from San Jose to Isla Vista, 4 hours.

Back to normal.

He makes the point that he doesn’t even have a fake ID at this point. He is 19, with no ID, and he is drinking every single day.

“Addicts find a way to take their poison. They are extremely resilient and ruthless when they need something.”

Lesson: Drinking has a look. It’s puffy. It’s swollen. You put on weight quickly. The “freshman 15” doesn’t have to happen, so set your kids up to stay out of their own way. Pay attention. How do they act when they come home? This sounds gross, but smell them in the morning. Alcohol stinks. If they are drinking and smell bad in the morning, they are drinking too much. Have a conversation. Talk to their friends’ parents. Reach out. Do not get caught up in “normalcy.” Remember this, when you find yourself on the side of the majority it is time to pause and reflect. People are stupid, at any age, and especially when they are young. Your child is not going to make wise decisions, that’s what being a kid is, but it is your job to help them avoid disastrous ones. It is never too early to have the conversation. Plant seeds, give them strategies. They may not acknowledge it to you, but it’s there. It’s planted. The harvest will only come if you plant the seeds and water the garden. Come from love, come from calm, always.


What better place to go from Isla Vista than Hollywood? Especially for an emerging (if not already fully developed) alcoholic.

** Something to reflect on at this point. He is only 23. He drinks most days. Meaning, when he doesn’t drink, those daily experiences are different. He is already at a point where he doesn’t know how to go out without drinking. Have lunch without a drink. Go to a baseball game without a drink. These are all things he will have to re-learn when he stops drinking. Think about that. Every time he does one of those activities, alcohol will be screaming at him, “you forgetting something? Me!” Don’t allow “normal” to dictate what you do with your loved ones (or yourself). Always remember, people are generally stupid. Look around. We are fat, lazy, complaining, assholes. You want to be “normal”? Pause and reflect. Pause and reflect.

This move is basically taking him from amateur alcoholic status to professional. He lives right off of Sunset Strip. He is in the belly of the beast. The boundaries are long gone by this point.

What are his parents doing, saying you ask?

They voiced their concerns. He basically wasted 4 years in Santa Barbara, how would Hollywood fair any better? They had serious doubts to say the least.

This is where it gets dicey. Most addicts are self-medicating. What are they self-medicating from? An over active brain. A HUGE percentage of addicts have ADHD. There are healthy ways to deal with it, and there are disastrous ways to deal with it. Obviously this article is the disastrous way. I hope you recognized that by this point. If not, you are not really paying attention.

People with ADHD tend to be more creative. Is there a better place to be creative than LA? Movies, music, technology, TV, it has it all. Maybe this is the place where he finds something he loves to do, and the drinking can finally take a back seat.

That would be any parent’s dream. Their kid, finding something they are passionate about and built for. It could work, so you support.

He went to school, was doing well. He started acting, and got jobs right away. He couldn’t be drinking too much, he was “successful.” This is what you would call a functional alcoholic. Looking back, he knows he was not exactly functioning, but he was doing something, which minimized the focus on his issues.

But there were glaring facts.

He was living in a s***hole. It was filthy. They never cleaned. They drank every day. They barely left the apartment, except to work and drink someplace else. He repeatedly had the “what are you doing with your life?” conversations with his parents. But he is 23, 24, 25 at this point. He’s an adult. What can they really do?

So he kept going.

And going.

No beer, no light stuff, just hard alcohol. Vodka. Jack Daniels. They bought weed from one neighbor, coke (not a-cola) from the other. Vons was next door. They had it all. Party with celebrities on Sunset at night, sleep all day. This was obviously working out very well.

Lesson: He went from college student, to college drop-out, to film school student. Living in a beautiful house, to living in one s***hole, then moving to another one, and an even worse one. When you start seeing priorities change, take notice. When ambition takes a back seat to stagnation, take notice. When they aren’t even taking care of the place they eat and sleep, take notice. There is a problem. Come from love. Stay calm. Ask questions. Have the conversation. Take steps. Discuss in the morning. Start acting.


Drinking is what he did.

Good days.

Bad days.




It was in his blood, literally.

He was “functional,” which added to the mask. He had relationships. He started a band. He was earning a living. He got married. He had a dog.

How bad could the drinking really be?

They All Fall Down

Because of the drinking, relationships ended, the marriage ended, the music slowed, then stopped.

Bad day?

Time for a drink. That will make it better. How? Because if I drink enough I can’t be sad. I can’t be lonely. I can just be.

Let’s remember at this point that alcohol is a depressant. He is essentially medicating his depression with liquid depression, which will make him more depressed, more lost, more sad, and more destructive.

He had a seizure.

He split his head open at his parent’s house.

He stained the floor with his blood.


He brushed it off.

He was in a car accident.

Not his fault, but when he went to the emergency room he hadn’t had his fix yet for the day. In fact, 
he was on his way when he got hit. The doctor saw the tremors. He looked in his eyes. He told him he needed help. He needed to stop. But he couldn’t stop without help. If he kept drinking he would die, if he stopped drinking he would die.

He chose the latter.

He passed out. He was not responding.

Luckily, he had a companion.

She called his dad.

He rushed over.

He was terrified.

“It was the only time I had seen my dad cry.”

They took him home.

The next day when he woke up there was a man in his parent’s house.

He was huge. He was nice. They talked.

He drank while they talked. He had to.

He admitted to the man he had a problem.

20 minutes later they were at LAX on a flight to Utah, to The Cirque Lodge, where he would be inundated with chemicals that would keep him alive as he detoxed for the next 5 days.


It is still a struggle.

He has things in place every day to keep him on the wagon.

He has fallen off a few times.

But he has kids now.

He has seen what it can do to him, to his parents, he doesn’t want to see it hurt his children. He doesn’t want them to grow up without a dad.

So he works.


The Steps.

AA meetings.

He does them all.

He has to.

He knows the dragon is waiting in the shadows.

He hears the whispers.

They want him to fail, to come back to them.

He knows he can’t fall down that hole again.

Because he may not get out the next time.


If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, it is never too early to get help. It is a slippery slope, but there are signs. You need to admit what you are seeing is a problem, that it is not good, even if you think it is “normal.”

F*** normal. You are not normal. Your children are not normal. You are special, you are wonderful, you want them around forever, and you want them to be happy and healthy.

Substance abuse is not healthy, and it certainly is not happy.

“It is no way to live your life”

And if you need someone to talk to, the subject of this interview, Eric Maehl, would love to be that person.

Good luck.

Come from a place of calm.

Come from a place of love.

Bring them back.

Discipline = Freedom

Jocko Willink (@jockowillink) says this. He is one of the biggest, most intense people I have ever seen, so I want to make sure I give him credit for the quote. He tweets pictures of pools of sweat on the ground from his workouts before I even wake up in the morning, and I get up at 5am.

The dude is a beast.

And more importantly, the dude is right.

Discipline, routine, schedules, they all allow freedom.

It sounds counter-intuitive, I know. I thought the same thing. For years, the more structure, the worse it sounded. I have ADHD. I could feel the walls closing in around me every time I heard the word: structure.

But guess what?

One little thing changed, and like dominoes, the walls fell down.

I had a purpose.

I had a Northern Star.

I had real, true to myself, goals.

And I fell in love with structure.

I think part of the reason we don’t like structure is we don’t give a s*** about what we are doing. 

Work sucks. If we are more or less productive, who cares? We don’t like work anyways. Why would anyone want to get better at something they hate?

Think about that.

Find a focus you love, then apply everything else in this blog.

Come back later if you need to.

Don’t Reinvent The Wheel

The greatest asset that discipline and structure gives is not having to reinvent the wheel every time you need to be productive. It’s a routine.

Imagine that: productivity and creativity a routine? Meaning, you just do it? YES! You just do it.

I don’t have to wait for inspiration?


Your routine brings you to the doorstep of creativity and productivity. All you have to do is walk in.

Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?

This “wheel” that we are not reinventing every day will not develop overnight. It is a filtering and auditing system that takes out everything in your day that diverts your productivity and leaves, then adds to, things that increase productivity. I have been auditing myself for almost 2 years, and there are always little tweaks I can make to increase productivity, even if it’s just a little bit better, it’s still better than it was before. Everything counts.

There is a concept in the amazing book “The Art Of Learning” called: Making Smaller Circles. This is essentially what we are doing with our “wheel.” The things you need in order to get in to your productivity “space” start out very big. Over time, you are able to whittle them down without 
compromising your productive and creative output.

Example: My original routine in the morning was: 20 minute meditation, coffee, exercise, warm up writing (usually a Quora answer or two), a couple Italian lessons (I am getting my dual citizenship with the hopes of creating media for companies abroad, giving me a reason to visit more often), then work.

I would start work in a great place mentally and physically, but that is a lot of time needed to get going.

Now, I leave in the meditation as a best practices, and the coffee (mostly because it helps the ol’ bowels get movin’), but I am ready to go in 25 minutes after getting up. In fact, on days when I need to be up at 5am and cranking right away, I can do it, because I have made small enough circles, that just sitting in my work space locks me in to work mode. I can bust out a 1500 word story or blog before breakfast. I mean done, not first draft.

Step One: Environmental Reciprocation

You purposefully create an environment that increases your motivation and creativity, and your environment will reciprocate. You build it up, and it helps build you up. Take control over your environment. Take the time to put things around you that help maximize your creativity. Quotes, pictures, goals, whatever. I have all of my goals on the wall behind my monitor. I have a stimulating wall of CD covers behind me. You can create an environment that allows you to feel like a plasma globe, a ball of energy.

Allow what works for you to be around you.

Step Two: Morning Routines

Start figuring out what works for you. What puts you in the best place mentally to start crushing it? If you are not already meditating, I highly suggest it. I listen to a lot of podcasts with top performers in a variety of disciplines and 90% of them meditate. If you are new to it, apps like Headspace and Calm are a great place to start. I listen to Tara Brach’s guided meditations on iTunes. Whatever works for you, but know that it works.

Mediation: reduces aging in the brain (more gray matter), improves concentration and attention, and reduces anxiety.


I hope so.

What do you eat? It better be healthy. No sugar. That will help you jump up in energy, but it is short lived, causes crashing after a few hours, and in the long run it will make you fat (just speaking the truth). Stick with healthy fats, eggs, veggies, water, and coffee. No artificial sweeteners. It tricks your system in to thinking it is sugar, so even though it doesn’t have the calories, your body reacts like it has sugar in it, so it stores fat regardless. It also breaks down your healthy gut flora in your stomach, which means you are not digesting correctly, which means you are not able to deliver necessary hormones to your system (because they are released in the intestines and colon) like endorphins (which make you happy). Sugar and fake sugar makes you sad and fat, which will then make you even more sad and even fatter. No bueno, all the way around.

Step Three: Rest Of The Day Routines

How do you keep yourself focused?

You are cranking when you start, but how do you take breaks? What things are too distracting? What doesn’t allow you to come back to work in an effective and productive way?

I leave my phone in the other room. It is hard on me, because 50% of my business is creation, and the other 50% is distribution, interaction, etc. But if I want to create content, I need to get that s*** away from me!

I have multiple projects going on at the same time and lists of things I need/can do. That allows me to bounce between projects in case I get stuck on any one thing. It keeps my spirits up and my thoughts clear.

I eat healthy throughout the day and work out in the late afternoon. That is either a great close to my day (not very often) or it is a good break to get the blood flowing, work my body the way my mind has been working all day, and then get back to work.

Step Four: Audit Audit Audit

What is working and what isn’t?

I would love to listen to punk rock, or country, or metal (weird mix I know) all day long, but it is distracting. I can’t write to it. I tried classical, but that is too emotional. Switching to the “Jazz” station on Pandora I found the perfect background music to work to. I have heard others’ use a movie on repeat. Because they are so familiar with the story, it keeps it somewhere in the background mentally, but still in their conscious. It’s funny how sometimes 90% focus is better than 100% on one thing.

Example: I hate cleaning the house, but I have a flood of ideas every time I do. It is similar to running, but I have a pen and pad to write down the ideas unlike running, where I will need to remember the good idea for 5, 6, or 10 miles. They don’t always make it.


Give yourself time. It is simple but not easy (as is everything important in life).

You will know it is something that needs to be remedied when you get mad at yourself for the 30 minutes you wasted. Feel it, embrace it, then change it. It’s as simple as that.

Audit the s*** out of yourself, all the time.

I am going on 24 months of auditing.

There is always something that can be better, more efficient, more productive.

Take the time to find it.

Then start crushing.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Marketing Strategy For Ryan Lochte

I don’t watch the news.

I don’t troll online.

I am busy working.

But when I was distributing my vlog/blog/podcast episode “The LochNess Monster?” I was able to 
see how f***ing ridiculous some of the media and trolls are.

“He should be extradited and sent to Brazilian prison?”

For peeing on the floor and over-exaggerating/lying?


Is it hard to have perspective with your head that far up you’re a**?

With that rational every news reporter should be put in prison. They lie and over-exaggerate every single night.

Every politician should be put in prison for over-exaggerating and lying. Trump and Hillary would both be put away. One for emails, the other for, well, everything he says.

We should all be “sent away” if we are using lying as a standard for prison time.

We are all full of s***.

In fact, it is usually the loudest ones about other people being full of s*** that are the most full of s***. Look around. Who is making the most noise? Al Roker, what you hiding weather man? And Fox News (shocking).

I feel like Alan Iverson: “We’re talking about lying and peeing? Lying and peeing? Lying? Peeing?” (the “practice” press conference in case you have no idea what I am talking about.)

Ryan Lochte needs someone who can turn this all around. I savvy media consultant and marketing maverick.

I will offer my services. He can thank me later.

My Ryan Lochte PR Plan

We are not talking about anything major here. If we all took a step back, practiced a little self-awareness, I think we would calm down. Are you really mad? Or are you mad because the media told you to be mad, be appalled, and be disgusted? That’s their job. They are full of s***. Which is ironic that they are going so hard after Lochte for being full of s***, but that’s what they do.

Instead of continuing to say sorry, let’s make a joke out of it. Look at it for what it is, peeing and lying, and use that to your advantage. Roll with the punches.

What am I saying? Pee on stuff and blatantly lie. You know, jokes.

#1 The Late Night Tour

The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon), The Late Show With Steven Colbert (@StephenAtHome), Conan (@ConanOBrien), The Late Late Show (@JKCorden). Hit them all. Pretend to pee on things in the studio. Get caught, lie about what you were doing.

“I was just looking at the plant.”

“I don’t even need to pee.”

“I don’t pee, I have a urinary disorder.”

Run with it. Say anything you want. Try to distract the accusers, “Look, an elephant!” Say you have to go home right away. Dribble piss on the way out, leave a trail. Funny stuff.

#2 New Sponsors

The most obvious new sponsors would be companies that specialize in toiletries: urinal cakes, toilet paper, and pee pads for pets (to avoid accidents on the floor in your house, gas station, etc.). You get the idea.

Expand on that and become a spokesperson for Depends (@Depend):

“If I had them on that night, this all could have been avoided. I would have just pee’d in my pants, and the super absorbency of my Depends undergarments would have allowed me to feel dry and relieved, what every American wants.” *big smile at the end

Alcohol. My first choice would be Jagermeister (@JagermeisterUSA). Have you ever seen Dave Attell’s (@attell) standup? He has the “Jaeger” bit where he tells crazy stories and ends each one with, “Jager.”

This story is perfect:

“I pissed on the floor, got a gun pulled on me, paid a Brazilian $400, had to flee the country, lost hundreds of thousands of dollars……..Jager.”

How about a residency in a Vegas hotel?

“If he had been in Las Vegas (@Vegas), it would have stayed here.”

He could shack up at Caesar’s Palace (@CaesarsPalace) for a week. They could dye the fountains 
yellow. It would be awesome.

We are having fun here people.

Piss and lies. Let’s keep that in mind.

#3 Fundraising

We can create a humanitarian effort.

Ryan Lochte, for $1000 dollars will come to your house and pee anywhere you want. You can pee together, he can pee in your disgusting bathroom, your garage, your kitchen, you pick! 100% of the proceeds will go to his non-profit: Tinkletorium (swipped that name from my 7th/8th grade girlfriend, hi Amanda!) — Building Bathrooms Worldwide, Because Everyone Deserves Plumbing.

He will be saving lives by getting all the pee and poo out of the water supply in 3rd world countries. He would raise millions!

To get publicity for the non-profit, he would do a world tour “peeing” on the wonders of the world: Stonehenge, The Great Wall Of China, The Eiffel Tower, Machu Pichu, Taj Mahal (the place, not the guitarist), and the Pyramids. We call it “Lochte Pees: World Tour.” He could go on Oprah. It would be magical.

It’s A Joke

There is a lot more good that can come of this for Lochte than bad. It doesn’t look good now, but the sooner he turns it around and spins the narrative in his favor the better. I am willing to offer my services for $200,000.

Lochte, if you are reading, I’m here.

Hit me up on Twitter (@JustOneJoey1) or Snapchat (@JustOneJoey).

The “New You” is just a phone call away.

I can make it happen.

Your future awaits you!

What’s it going to be?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The LochNess Monster?

I can’t believe it.

The media hyped up a story?

They exaggerated what Ryan Lochte and the “Swimmers From Hell” did to gas station in Rio?

Say it ain’t so Joe!

It’s so!

You know what we learned here?

About Lochte AND the media?

Absolutely nothing.

The news is still in the business of glamorizing and sensationalizing everything, and Ryan Lochte is still a tool.

Didn’t we learn that last Olympics? Or was it the one before that? Or was it when he did his TV show “What Would Ryan Lochte Do?” I can’t remember. I mean, I knew, but I can’t remember when I 

Come on people! You can’t tell me your opinion of him changed. Really?

This is the perfect scenario for Officer Barbrady, “Move along people, nothing to see here!”

There is absolutely nothing to see here.

Did he embarrass America? No. He embarrassed himself. It is not like people are burning the 

American flag because Ryan Lochte pee’d on the floor of bathroom and pulled down a poster. He is a 32 year old idiot (and I know, I’ve been one), and that’s it. It isn’t even a reflection on the swim team let alone the United States as a whole.

Save the drama for your mama.

This is just another example of the media making a story seem worse than it is. This is exactly why I don’t watch the news. Every storm is the 100 year storm. Every murder rocks a city to it’s core. It’s all a bunch of crap and you all should know that. Emotion gets ratings, so they will manipulate your emotions the best they can. Why do you think Trump has been on so much? Because he stirs emotion. That’s all the media puts out. Instead of focusing on positive emotions, they focus on negative emotions: anger, fear, etc. It’s a bunch of malarkey (shout out to Brian Koppelman on that one).

When the truth comes out, it doesn’t really matter, because our emotions have locked in our perspective on the matter. It’s hard not to hate someone once they have “done you wrong.” And that bastard Ryan Lochte tarnished the good name of the American people all over the world (sense the sarcasm?).

No one gives a f***!!!!

Now the truth is out, but we are still mad. Thanks media. Minus 4 sponsors later and however much money involved, I am sure Lochte is “relieved” (pun intended) the truth came out.

It turns out that Lochte didn’t pee all over the store and vandalize it the way the store owner said. He pee’d on the bathroom floor. He was drunk. That may or may not have been on purpose. Should you get a gun pulled on you for peeing on the floor? I pee in the shower, that’s not much different. Granted, it’s my shower, but, you know. I’m just making a point here.

Did he get pulled over? No.

Did he get a gun put to his head? No.

Did he exaggerate what really happened? Oh yeah.

Did he ditch his teammates? Oh yeah.

Is he any different than we thought? Nope.

Keep in mind, the only reason this story even got out was because his mom was talking to a reporter (the genius apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree). That’s it.

He is a dummy and made it worse, but didn’t we always know he was a dummy?

Honestly? This isn’t rocket surgery here people.

The Brave Sponsors

And bravo to the companies dropping his sponsorships. That is so brave of you to drop a person no one will give a shit about for the next 4 years anyways. You are true American heroes.

If you can’t see through that PR BS you need to get your eyeballs checked.

It’s like Notre Dame letting go the shitty senior on the team but keeping the promising sophomores. 
What integrity!!

Give it a rest.

Lochte is a dummy.

But so are we if we didn’t know that beforehand.

Give him a break.

He already lost a ton of money and had to dye his hair back.

He’s had enough.