Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sleep Better Now

Want to sleep better?

Of course you do.

You clicked on this link.

If you are comfortable looking like a tool for the couple hours before bed, I have a $8.95 solution to your problem.

I do not work for the company that makes them.

I do not work for Amazon.

But I bought these a little over a year ago. I use them. I love them.

You have seen them before, but never for sleep. They have orange lenses, and, guess what? They block blue light.

What’s The Big Deal About Blue Light?

It keeps your cortisol production going.

What’s the big deal about that?

When you are producing cortisol, you can’t produce melatonin for up to 4 hours after you shut it off.

What’s the big deal with that?

Melatonin is what allows you to get good, restful, rejuvenating sleep.



For most of you, you are only getting 5–6 hours of sleep anyways. Subtract 4 hours before you start producing melatonin, and you are only getting 1–2 hours of rejuvenating sleep every night.

That’s no bueno.

That’s muy no bueno.

Where Does Blue Light Come From?

TVs, computers, phones, office lighting, gym lighting, etc. Pretty much everywhere. You guys stay up watching TV, or Snapchatting, or Instagramming, and you are keeping your cortisol production on high, then you try to go to bed.

You may fall asleep, but it’s not good sleep.


Because you are not producing melatonin.


Pop your blue light blocking glasses on a few hours before bed, shut down your cortisol production, and have some solid, melatonin rich, rejuvenating sleep.

Easy, huh?

I know.

The first few nights I used them I felt like I had taken codeine the night before. Not codeine and Sprite, not sizzurp, I am not Rolando McClain, or JaMarcus Russel. Not a NFL fan? Fine. I am not Weezy (Lil Wayne) either.

Nope. Just had a rough cough and wasn’t sleeping. Codein knocks out. Great sleep.

Just like a melatonin rich, blue light blocking glass wearing right before bed, kind of sleep.

You can thank me later.

Have a great weekend!

Get some rest! Some of that Good Sleep!

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