Thursday, August 18, 2016

Be Your Own Victory Story


Are you there?

Of course you are.

You Are Still Here

Have you ever had a bad day?

Ever been devastated?

Think back on the three worst days of your life. I am sure there were points during that day when you saw absolutely no way out. As much as you tried to see the positive, tried to gather some meaning from whatever you were going through, you just couldn’t see it. You were in a dark place. Pitch black. No way out.

But you are still here.

As much as it felt like it would never come, you made it to the next day. You felt like you were going to die, but you opened your eyes, and it was a new day. The sun was up. The stars were gone. And you were still here.

You Are The Victory

We like to look to others for motivation.

“If they can do it, I can do it!”

What we need to realize is our own stories should be all the motivation we need. All the positive we need when we are trying to pull ourselves out of the darkness.


Because you have already done it. In fact, you have done it over and over, yet you still doubt your strength and resilience when the next issue arises.

You ARE the victory. You ARE the story you should be telling yourself. The one that picks you up when you are down.


Because you CAN do it.

How do I know?

Because you ALWAYS do it.

As long as you keep pushing, keep fighting, and keep grinding, the darkness will break way to light. It always does. As long as you keep digging, you will get there. The same way you did it last time, the time before that, and most importantly, the next time.


The next time you feel down. The next time you are having a bad day and can’t see the silver lining, remember who you are. Remember what you have been through. How you have persevered. How you have gone from darkness to light when there was no hope. No one else did that for you, you did that yourself. It was your will, your heart, and your strength that pulled you out. You don’t need the motivations of anyone else, you have it all within yourself.

I would tell you to be the victory, but you already are. You just need to recognize it.

Take a look.

It’s a beautiful thing.

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