Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Happy Anniversary

Every day, I think about the day you chose me.

The day you saw through the mess. Sifted through the ashes. Dug down to the core, and chose me.

You knew me before I ever even knew myself.

Our 8 years together have been a rollercoaster. Let’s be honest, I am the rollercoaster, you were just along for the ride. When people got off, you stayed on. You knew. You could see past the turmoil. 

You knew me, even when I didn’t know myself.

Thank you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you from the deepest part of my soul.

I still can’t believe you are the very first and last thing I see every single day.

I recognize it, I appreciate it, and I value it above everything else.

My drive and ambition is to show you every day that you were right. I am worth it. I am not defined by my mistake. I have something amazing inside me that needs to come out, that gets a chance to come out every single day, because of you. That’s why I work as hard as I do, to build my business, myself, and our life. You ask me to take a day off, to take it slow, but you know I can’t. There is too much to do, and you absolutely understand that. You know my dreams, you know they are going to materialize, and you believe in me.

Now I know myself.

I know my strengths.

I know my weaknesses.

 I know my purpose.

But you knew me first, and you are the driving force behind everything I do. You are my power. I spend my days proving you right. Letting you know you made the right decision. Letting the world know you made the right decision. You chose correctly when it would have been so much easier to walk away. I am in awe of your strength and resilience. There is no me without you.

As we enter in to our 9th year of matrimony, know that it is only going to get better. We have big dreams, and every single one of them is going to come true. We are a machine. Running stronger than ever. Nothing can stop us.

Me and you. You and me.

Forever and ever.



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