Friday, August 19, 2016

30 Days Of Genius Blog: Sir Richard Branson

One of the most famous business men in the world. He started Virgin Records, Virgin Atlantic, and now Virgin Galactic. He lives on an island, is worth $5.1 billion, and seems as down to earth as your neighbor. What better person to get advice from.

I have taken his interview on 30 Days of Genius with Chase Jarvis, extracted the information, and used it to answer common questions by readers just like you, who are looking to take their lives to the next level, or at least a different level than the one they are on.

Please enjoy.

What Is The Best Way To Start A Business From Scratch?

The most important thing to ask when starting a business is, do I have a great idea? I don’t care if you are single, married, 10 kids, no kids, mortgage or rent. Do you have a great idea? Can you find other people that believe in your idea? Then, can you find great people to work with?

There is a thin line between success and failure, but the satisfaction of building something on your own is immense.

Need an idea? I feel the best businesses come from a person’s bad experiences. Have you had a bad experience? Of course you have. Can you create something that would alleviate a similarly bad experience for other people? Start there.

Don’t like that?

Find a business that is working in another city, state or country. Can you recreate that where you live? 

How can you make it better?

Even better, what are your passions? I think it is foolish to not become an expert in the things you are passionate about. You will enjoy learning about it and give it your all. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? Don’t forget that your life is what you make it. If you treat something as impossible it will be.
Once you have a great idea, and put great people around you, think about how you can protect the downside. Take chances, but don’t put everything on the line, especially if you have a family, home, etc.

How Do I Lead a Business Once It Is Started?

Remember the great people you have surrounded yourself with? Use them to handle things that they do better than you, as well as the day to day operations, so you can focus on the big picture.

A good leader needs to be a listener and a learner. Feed off of other people. Learn and help each other as much as you can. Get your hands dirty, focus on even the smallest details. It’s the details that end up making the picture perfect in the end. You are never too big to learn from someone on your team. 

Remember that.

The Most Important Thing You Can Do

Try to live with a smile the best you can.


“Screw it, just do it. It’s a lot more fun than not screwing it and not doing it.”

“If no one takes notes, nothing is going to get done.”

“Failure means being able to pick yourself up, learn from the struggles and move on.”

Sir Richard Branson Links

Chase Jarvis Links

Joey Links

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