Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The LochNess Monster?

I can’t believe it.

The media hyped up a story?

They exaggerated what Ryan Lochte and the “Swimmers From Hell” did to gas station in Rio?

Say it ain’t so Joe!

It’s so!

You know what we learned here?

About Lochte AND the media?

Absolutely nothing.

The news is still in the business of glamorizing and sensationalizing everything, and Ryan Lochte is still a tool.

Didn’t we learn that last Olympics? Or was it the one before that? Or was it when he did his TV show “What Would Ryan Lochte Do?” I can’t remember. I mean, I knew, but I can’t remember when I 

Come on people! You can’t tell me your opinion of him changed. Really?

This is the perfect scenario for Officer Barbrady, “Move along people, nothing to see here!”

There is absolutely nothing to see here.

Did he embarrass America? No. He embarrassed himself. It is not like people are burning the 

American flag because Ryan Lochte pee’d on the floor of bathroom and pulled down a poster. He is a 32 year old idiot (and I know, I’ve been one), and that’s it. It isn’t even a reflection on the swim team let alone the United States as a whole.

Save the drama for your mama.

This is just another example of the media making a story seem worse than it is. This is exactly why I don’t watch the news. Every storm is the 100 year storm. Every murder rocks a city to it’s core. It’s all a bunch of crap and you all should know that. Emotion gets ratings, so they will manipulate your emotions the best they can. Why do you think Trump has been on so much? Because he stirs emotion. That’s all the media puts out. Instead of focusing on positive emotions, they focus on negative emotions: anger, fear, etc. It’s a bunch of malarkey (shout out to Brian Koppelman on that one).

When the truth comes out, it doesn’t really matter, because our emotions have locked in our perspective on the matter. It’s hard not to hate someone once they have “done you wrong.” And that bastard Ryan Lochte tarnished the good name of the American people all over the world (sense the sarcasm?).

No one gives a f***!!!!

Now the truth is out, but we are still mad. Thanks media. Minus 4 sponsors later and however much money involved, I am sure Lochte is “relieved” (pun intended) the truth came out.

It turns out that Lochte didn’t pee all over the store and vandalize it the way the store owner said. He pee’d on the bathroom floor. He was drunk. That may or may not have been on purpose. Should you get a gun pulled on you for peeing on the floor? I pee in the shower, that’s not much different. Granted, it’s my shower, but, you know. I’m just making a point here.

Did he get pulled over? No.

Did he get a gun put to his head? No.

Did he exaggerate what really happened? Oh yeah.

Did he ditch his teammates? Oh yeah.

Is he any different than we thought? Nope.

Keep in mind, the only reason this story even got out was because his mom was talking to a reporter (the genius apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree). That’s it.

He is a dummy and made it worse, but didn’t we always know he was a dummy?

Honestly? This isn’t rocket surgery here people.

The Brave Sponsors

And bravo to the companies dropping his sponsorships. That is so brave of you to drop a person no one will give a shit about for the next 4 years anyways. You are true American heroes.

If you can’t see through that PR BS you need to get your eyeballs checked.

It’s like Notre Dame letting go the shitty senior on the team but keeping the promising sophomores. 
What integrity!!

Give it a rest.

Lochte is a dummy.

But so are we if we didn’t know that beforehand.

Give him a break.

He already lost a ton of money and had to dye his hair back.

He’s had enough.

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