Thursday, September 8, 2016

Blame Yourself, Be Happy

“Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“There was nothing you could do.”

Let’s throw all of these out the window and replace them with,

“It’s your fault.”

Actually, this needs to come from you so, technically

“It’s my fault.”


Doesn’t that feel better?

Of course not, because you are not in the right mindset.

Where you need to be is in the mindset that when ANYTHING goes wrong, EVERYTHING is your 


Stick with me here people.

This is the only way to completely free yourself from victim mode, from the blame game, from 
everyone else’s fault.

When It’s Your Fault You Are In Control

Don’t like the outcome? Do it different next time.

Don’t like your team? Make them better.

Don’t like following? Great. Lead.

If you are on a team, or in a business, or on a project, and it does not live up to expectations, you are at fault. You could have done something better, something different, been more insightful, or asked better questions, something, anything, but you didn’t

When you take the blame, you take control.

Isn’t that beautiful?

Maybe you are working on a project right now and it’s not going great. Don’t pass the torch, don’t separate yourself from it because it will fall on someone else’s shoulders. This is the time to dig deep and really get in there. It’s trench time baby! This is where they separate the leaders from the losers. 

This is where you make a name for yourself.

Stand out, take charge, and take the blame.

If You Are Unhappy, Blame Yourself Right Now

This might sound cliché, but the first step to winning is admitting that you are losing.

So many people know this.

Very few people do it.

You know them. They are your friends, your family. Drinking, drugs, women, men, gambling, under committing, over committing, lazy, fat, whatever. You know them, you’ve seen them, and you may be one of them.

If you are unhappy, you need to look yourself in the mirror and blame yourself for your unhappiness.

What will this do (besides make you depressed)?

Hopefully it will flip your “on” switch and you will start taking charge.

No one made you drink.

No one made you eat too much.

No one keeps you from working out.

No one made you bet on those games.

No one made you take drugs.

No one made you call her back, or him back, when you knew you shouldn’t.

You did that!!

All by yourself!!

You dug the hole, and you are still holding the shovel.

Fix It

Now that we got the harsh part out of the way, you can start changing your life. Stop taking the easy way out, find your fault in every situation you are unhappy with. Once you admit the mistake you can fix it. If you never admit it, you will always blame someone or something else, and everything will stay exactly the same.

If you are always pointing outward, you will always be a victim. You will be at the disposal of the world around you because you are giving up control on your life.

He was mean to me.

We are poor.

My boss is a d***

If you are saying any of those things, you are saying, “I’m helpless.”

We all know you’re not. We can see your potential. But you are going to have to get out of your own way.

Blame yourself. Take control. Be happy.

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