Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sugar Is A Ninja

What if I told you Bruce Lee’s middle name was Sara?

I would be lying, but it would be funny.

Sugar is a sneaky mother***er.

Sugar is a ninja.

You are never safe. You need to be watching your back at all times. It lurks in the shadows, it infiltrates from the inside out, and you never see it coming.

Bruce (Sara) Lee

Cobra Kai Johnny

And sure enough, Sho’Nuff.

Masters of deception. Masters of manipulation. Striking without ever being seen.


Sugar is a ninja.

Hell, sugar is THE ninja.

Hiding In Plain Site

As much as sugar is a ninja, I am an assassin. I am going to show you how to snipe the sugar from a distance. See it coming and react before it gets to you. Think of me like Chris Kyle. I have the record for sugar kills.

To make it easy, I will give you the places you are consuming sugar the most without even knowing it (ninja tactics). I am leaving out bread, pasta, rice, etc. If you don’t know sugar is in there, I don’t know if you are safe from the sugar ninja at all.

Here are the hiding spots:

Granola/snack bars
Dried fruit
Artificial Sweeteners

Wait? Did you say artificial sweeteners? Those are sugar? No, but you will see how they may be even worse for you than actual sugar (which is NOT an excuse to just eat sugar. I know what you are trying to do, stop justifying, please).


Sugar makes you fat. If you are fatter than you want to be, there is a 99.99% chance that it is because of sugar. You eat too much of it. If you are burning sugar you are not able to burn fat, on top of the fact that each sugar calorie that is not burned will eventually be stored as fat.

Sugar = fat. Remember that.

Each gram of sugar is about 4 calories. If you are eating a bowl of cereal, a yogurt, granola/snack bar, a glass of juice, or fruit before work, then sitting, how many calories do you think you are burning? 

Right. Not many. That sugar is not only keeping you from burning fat, it will eventually become fat.

Sugar = fat.

Alternatives for breakfast: 1. Eggs. Hard-boiled if you are in a hurry. Make them all on Sunday so they are ready to grab during the week. Your neighbors in the office will hate you, but you will be healthy, so screw them. 2. Plain, Greek yogurt, with some blueberries. There will be no sugar in the yogurt, and blueberries have a very low sugar content. 3. No juice. Water is boring, but so much better for you. Coffee is fine, but do NOT add sugar, even artificial sweeteners (section on that later).

You should not be eating close to your bed time anyways, so ideally, by the time you wake up, your body is close to, if not already, in fat burning mode. By not consuming sugar, you will be burning fat while you work! How great is that!! When your body does not have sugar as a fuel source, it switches to fat. No gym, no Stairmaster, no kettle bells, just chillin, burning fat. Hooray!

Avoid sandwiches for lunch. Salads are great, but watch the dressing (sugar, sugar substitutes). The best thing you can do for a salad dressing is use olive oil, salt and pepper. Toss in all the vegetables you want. Lentils, walnuts, avocados are great additions for protein as well. Go nuts, as long as you go healthy.

Are we comfortable with all this?

Focus on grass fed meats, wild fish, tons of veggies (I make huge smoothies and just dump them all in there. If you want the recipe, hit me up on the socials — links at the bottom).

One thing to be cognizant of when you eat out is to check and see if they use olive oil. Most restaurants use vegetable or canola oils when they cook. So you may be getting something inherently healthy like chicken or fish, but if it is cooked in canola oil, it is going to irritate your system and you won’t be digesting the food well, yada yada yada. Just something to keep in mind.

Artificial Sweeteners

Here is the king of all ninjas.

To put it plainly, fake sugar will f*** you up.

Direct enough for you?


Basically, fake sugar tricks your body in to thinking it is getting sugar, so you spike your dopamine and leptin, but never supply the sugar that your body thinks it is getting, and it creates cravings for the carbs you never gave it.

Make sense?

It also spikes your insulin. What does that do? Remember when you were younger and you had to clean your room? What did you do? You took all your crap and threw it in the closet. Viola! Room is clean!! That’s what insulin does (basically) to your system. Everything you ate gets absorbed. It doesn’t disperse it correctly in your system, it just throws it all in the closet. All done!

Sweet taste + no calories = insulin spikes and cravings = no bueno

Oh yeah!

It gets worse!

It damages your gut flora. You know, the good bacteria in your gut that allows you to process food correctly, distribute it to where it needs to go, absorb the good, get rid of the bad? Basically, everything your gut does. It hijacks that.

I told you it’s a ninja.

What happens when you don’t digest your food correctly? You don’t release vital chemicals because your system is all messed up, which can lead to depression, inflammation which effects joints, organs, etc. Think of it like a stick shift, you are revving your RPMs to 5 and 6k, when you should be shifting at 2500. Over time, you wear out. Breaking down the good bacteria also means things are left in your system that can lead to auto-immune diseases, allergies, etc.

It’s bad.

Real bad.

People don’t realize that a major center for dopamine release is in your gut. If your gut is not functioning correctly, you don’t get that release of dopamine when you should. That can lead to depression, which can lead to low self-esteem, not caring, and eating more poo poo.

Don’t eat poo!!

Make sure you don’t take that last statement out of context. Not a good look. And not very helpful as 

I am sure most of you are not poo eaters. My dog is, but I hope you are not.


If you have any questions regarding any of this info, please feel free to contact me through any of the socials at the bottom or directly to this post.

Here is to being (truly) healthy!

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