Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ending Police Protests

Colin Kaepernick can stand for the national anthem now.

Same with Eric Reid, Jeremy Lane, Megan Rapinoe, and whomever else doesn’t stand when the NFL season kicks off this Thursday.

Did I solve the racial issues in this country?

Eh. Not exactly. I am pretty sure those will be around for a while, mostly because no one is having an honest conversation. Everyone gets defensive, no one is self-reflective enough to deal with their own faults, they would rather deal with everyone else’s. It’s easier that way. Not very effective, but easier.

A Little Perspective

What would you do with an NBA player that shot the ball in the wrong hoop to lose a championship?

Want him fired.

How about a baseball player that couldn’t hit in the biggest games of his career (like A-Rod)?

Want him fired.

Let’s get a little more serious.

How about a doctor that amputates the wrong leg? Removes the wrong kidney? Can’t find the 

Want him fired.

What about a police officer that doesn’t know the difference, in a high stress situation, between a 

Taser and a gun?

Or an officer that doesn’t know the difference between a drill and a gun? A wallet and a gun?

How about one that is not able to decipher between a life and death situation, and one that is manageable?

You should want them fired.

You shouldn’t want them working with you.

But they are still on the job.

Even if they aren’t determined to be criminal acts (and I am not sure how, especially with the standards they place on everyone else, it should be even higher for trained law enforcement), they should at least be determined to be detrimental to the safety of the public and their team of officers.

At least.


Why Are Officers Supporting Bad Officers?

I have no idea.

Even if they don’t care about the people they kill (and I am sure they do), why would you want someone out on patrol with you that can’t determine the severity of a situation? Or a weapon? Or a toy? Or a “threatening move”?

In any other profession, if you did something, or judged something wrong, and a person died, you would get fired.

Why is it not the same standard for police?

I think it should be even higher. They are trained. On top of that, it’s their job. They are technically professional safety evaluators. When they evaluate a situation as unsafe, they fix it. But if their evaluation is off, things can get very ugly, very fast.

It should be simple. Why? Because you are either able to do your job correctly or not. Just like any other profession, when you can’t do it, you are not allowed to do it anymore.

A little breakdown:

If it was a wallet and you thought it was a gun, you’re fired.

If the person had no weapon in their pocket when you claimed they were reaching for one, you’re fired.

If the video shows the guy staggering away from you when you said they were coming towards you, you’re fired.

Not your Taser, your gun? Fired.

Holding a drill, not a gun? Fired.

If you put a guy in a chokehold to subdue the individual, and they die, you are fired.

Don’t secure a criminal in the back of your van and they die? Fired.

See? Isn’t this easy?

Even if it is not criminal, it is negligent to have a person like that on the force.

It’s not fair to the large percentage (and you will see my stats further below) of officers that are able 
to do their jobs correctly.

Is It Training?

Kaep said you need more training to do make-up than be a cop, and that’s why there are so many unjustified police shootings. That may be true if you only look at hours, but it’s the quality of the training, not the training time that counts.

A little perspective:

There are 900,000 uniformed officers in the US. On average (and please keep in mind I am only going on high profile cases) there are 5 “unjust” police shootings a year. This is an average over the last 3 years. Most of those people getting shot were done so by a single officer. It’s not like the whole police force shot a dude.

What does that mean?

5 % 900,000 = 0.000005% of cops shoot someone unjustly.

That’s a pretty good stat.

As long as you are not the person getting killed I mean. They 100% died.

You know what that means?

Not only does the training seem to be pretty good, but it means that all of this mess is because the police officers and their unions in the different states and counties around the country are holding on to the bottom 0.000005% of cops.

What does THAT mean?

0.000005% of the cops cause 99.999% of the problems, and they are holding on to them.

I got 99 problems……..

Pardon Me Officer, But Why?

Why do you want these s*** cops next to you on patrol?

You want them protecting your family?

You want them making a life or death decision with your life on the line?


What are you thinking?

Is it a stressful job? Hell yes, that’s why only certain people can do it. These 0.000005% are not those people.

Time to say bye bye!!

But why aren’t you doing it?

You think a military patrol is going to keep a loose canon out there in the middle of a war?

Hell no. Why? Because every situation has the potential to be a life or death situation. Why would you want someone who can’t handle it out there with you?

It’s the same thing with officers. Every traffic stop could be your last. Every call could be your last. 

Every day could be your last.

Sounds like a horrible job, but God bless you for doing it.

With all that on the line every time you put that shield on, why would you want to risk it with someone who is not good at their job?

There are nice jobs elsewhere. Wish them good luck, then get a partner that isn’t going to mess you up.

If you can’t do the job, you CAN’T do the job.

Is that such a crazy statement?

I think it makes perfect sense, especially with the severity of the job.

We aren’t talking about burger flippers here. I need to check the fatality rate on that, but I can’t imagine it being that high. I mean, it’s high for the consumers, but not the flippers.

There are not many bad cops statistically. 0.000005% is a pretty darn good number. So why let that small group pull down the other 895,000.

That just seems INSANE to me.

Yes it sucks getting fired, but not as bad as dying because they are not good at their job. Not as bad as protests in every major city, officers on high alert all over the country, and even more of a division between the badge and the people they are serving and protecting. All for what? A few s*** cops?

Crunch the numbers.

Let them go.

Bye bye bad cops.

A toy, a wallet, a drill, nothing, walking towards me, Taser, whatever, you are fired.

Problem solved.

Kaepernick can stand.

The police force will be 0.000005% better throughout the country.

And we can rest assure that the police take it seriously when one of their own is not up to the job. 

That they really do want to protect and serve US, not just protect and serve their jobs.

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