Saturday, September 17, 2016

30 Days Of Genius Blog: Kelly Starrett

There has never been a time when humans were more focused on their bodies. Muscles, tissues, the brain, recovery, etc. We are breaking it down and focusing on it like never before. Just like everything else, understanding the basics is the foundation to a healthy body. Small knowledge leads to large knowledge the same way small problems lead to big problems. Understand the micro of your body, to get it producing at the macro.

I have taken his interview on 30 Days of Genius with Chase Jarvis, extracted the information, and used it to answer common questions by readers just like you, who are looking to take their lives to the next level, or at least a different level than the one they are on.

Please enjoy.

What Does My Body Have To Do With “Big C” Creativity?


It’s all connected.

Your body tells your brain what to think.

Smile, you will feel happier.

Slouch in your seat all day at work. When do you slouch normally? When you are sad, or depressed, or feeling vulnerable. When you sit like that all day at work, you are telling your brain you are sad, which means your brain starts thinking sad. You breathe differently, and your body works differently. 
Sad people store fat more, and are unhealthier. And that all can start with your posture! Think about that!

It’s all reciprocal. Your body and mind are a team. They talk to each other.

Standing tells your brain that you need to focus, pay attention, because things going on are important.

How do you work all day? Are you sitting or standing?

Do you have a tough time getting through the day? Might want to try standing.

Is Sitting Really That Bad?

I’ll put it this way, it’s more dangerous than bears.

That sounds funny, but it’s true, at least by the numbers.

People lose sight of the fact that we are physical machines. Our bodies are a work of art. We just finished the Olympics in Rio. All of those movements, from swimming to gymnastics, long distance running to weightlifting, all of those are using our full range of motion. Basically speaking, our bodies are supposed to do those things! Think about that as you knees creak getting up from the couch, and you can’t get your arms above your head to get the cookies off the top shelf. (by the way, pain is not normal. Don’t trick yourself in to thinking it is your age. It is because you are not treating your body right).

This all comes from a sedentary lifestyle. We need to move more. In fact, when we are not moving, we are not being who we are supposed to be.

Sitting is the new smoking.

We need to intentionally move more, and intentionally take care of this “machine” that we have.

From sleep to stress, posture to tissue work, we need to take care of ourselves. Our bodies are an amazing gift that gives back to us the better we take care of it.

How Do I Take Better Care Of My Body?

Move more. What else can you do? Take the stairs? Walk to the store? When can you work in more movement?

Here is a fun little fact, non-exercise movement actually burns more calories than exercise. Those little step counting gadgets don’t seem so lame now do they?

Find 10 things you can do to be more active each day than you are right now.

You will feel better and be healthier the more you move. Your lymphatic system, a major defense in your immune system, needs the muscles to move in order to pump blood through them. They are not a part of the cardiovascular system. Ever notice that your more active friends don’t get as sick as much? That’s why!

Make your environment work for you. Don’t make it easy. Throw away the chair at your desk. If there is not chair, you have to stand!

A lot of this is more about undoing a lot of bad habits than gaining good ones. You conditioned yourself to be sedentary, you need to undo that.

Eat healthy.

Sleep well. I don’t mean take Ambien, Benadryl, alcohol, or smoking weed to go to bed. I mean real, naturally good sleep. Cold room, blackout curtains, no phones in the room, only clocks with red lights, limiting caffeine after noon, using eye masks and earplugs. That kind of sleep.

Notice where you are stressed and fix it. Stress is like carrying around a 50lb backpack. You may be able to handle it, but it is still weighing you down.

The Benefits To Health

You can focus more, pay better attention, your productivity will go up, you will feel better which means you will feel better, you will perform better, and best of all, it’s free.

Just remember that little problems lead to big problems. Feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back are all connected. Issues in any of those areas can lead to issues in all of those areas.

Use foam rollers, volleyballs, or anything else you can find. Move it around your body. Roll around on it. Wherever it hurts, that’s where you need work. Pain to compression is not normal. Give yourself little massages every day, loosen your body up feel better.


“If we don’t move, we aren’t being who were are supposed to be.”

“Practice should become the standard.”

“Intentionally move more.”

Kelly Starrett Links

Chase Jarvis Links

Joey Links

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