Friday, July 15, 2016

30 Days Of Genius Blog: Marie Forleo

The combination of energy, intelligence and ambition are a powerful team. If you take that and add compassion and teaching, you get Marie Forleo.

I have taken her interview on 30 Days of Genius with Chase Jarvis, extracted the information, and used it to answer common questions by readers just like you, who are looking to take their lives to the next level, or at least a different level than the one there are on.

Please enjoy.

Why me?

Why not you?

Why shouldn’t your dreams come true?

Anything amazing that has ever been done has been done by someone who was thinking the exact same thing you are thinking now: why me? What do I have to offer? What makes me different?

The fact that you are you is exactly what makes you different.

When you are true to yourself. When you are not comparing yourself to any and every one on social media. When you are taking your personality, your experiences and your perspective and combining it with your dreams, that is exactly what will make you stand out. There is no other you. But you need to show it. Don’t hide behind what other people are doing, how they look, what they are showing on Instagram. You just worry about you.

The world needs the special gifts that only you have.

How Do I Get Over My Fears?

This sounds like terrible advice, but you just do it.

Simple, but not easy.

Don’t be scared of being judged. This is your dream, no one else needs to understand it.
There are so many tools and resources that are readily and inexpensively available. Failure is not a big deal. As long as you keep getting back up, and you keep challenging yourself, soon you will start seeing little successes. Over time those accumulate, they build up and pretty soon you are miles from where you started, all because you believed in yourself.

Hooray you!

Make sure you have clarity on your focus.

Use the Painted Picture Exercise:

Lean in to your life 3 years.

Write out everything you want to see, hear, have, feel.

Start with these questions:

What do you want to create? What does your business look like? What are you doing on a daily basis? How are you making money? What are the products and services that you sell? What does your team look like? How much time are you taking off? What are you doing with your time off?
Do this exercise with 3 different “lives.” Lean in to all of them. The more detail the better. Now look them over. How do they feel? How do they look? It’s like trying on pants, but it’s your life!

Because you are using so much detail, you will be able to feel the different futures. You are giving yourself the chance to feel them before you commit. Is it awesome? Or does it suck? Now you know which “life” to pursue and which one to put back on the rack.

Having trouble starting? Start each aspect of your “life” with “wouldn’t it be cool if….” Then finish the sentence and visualize. You will be creating your future world in no time.

Once you have your goal you can start moving. It is easier to focus and distinguish what helps reach the goal and what doesn’t when you have a clear end game in mind. You can streamline your life to help you reach those goals.

All you do after that is grind daily.

You got this.

I know you do.


Always create before you consume. Do work before you jump on social media and see a bunch of manicured photos, staged lifestyles, and motivational quotes. Produce, produce, produce! You don’t want to focus on anything before work except for your work. Who cares what anyone else is doing? 

You have stuff to do!


“What does that little voice say? Never ignore it”

“Everything is figureoutable.”

"Do you hard”
“If you don’t set the direction, you are just living by default.”

Marie Forleo Links

Chase Jarvis Links

Joey Links

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