Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The United States Of Entitlement

In the greatest political shock of my lifetime, Donald Trump is the president-elect.

Americans were angry.

Americans wanted change.

Americans wanted an outsider.

Americans were sick and tired of the status-quo.

Who Can Blame Them?

We all need change in our lives, right?

I can’t blame any of those nearly 60,000,000 people who were sick and tired of the status quo.

I mean, for years we have had to deal with:

1. Being the safest country in the world.

2. Having the greatest economy in the world (we have states that are in the top ten by themselves. 
Think about that).

3. Having the best university and higher education system in the world.

4. Educating 82 million students for free each year, K-12.

5. Having the premiere medical/research facilities on the planet.

6. Developing Obamacare, covering Americans denied previously, saving thousands of lives (at least for 2 more months).

7. An unparalleled opportunity for upward mobility (except to President, at least for women).

Wait, what was I talking about?

Oh yeah!

F*** this place!

I am sick of the status quo.

The same thing, over and over again, year in and year out.

F*** being the best country in the world.

I’m tired of it.

Our Unabashed Entitlement

We are amazing.

Take that as you wish. That can either be “amazing, yay!” or “wtf amazing.”

I LOVE this country.

I am so proud to be an American (and especially a white one the next four years. Whew!)

There are billions of people around the world that would love to slap the s*** out of 60,000,000 of you today.

You obviously have no idea how good you have it.

There is ZERO sympathy for you around the world.

Cambodia? Nope.

Russia? Nope.

Afghanistan? Nope.

South America? No. (that’s Spanish for no.)

Africa? Negatory.

Life being so amazing here and people still complaining is the root of the Western hatred around the world.

Everyone one else is looking at us going, “what in the f*** are you complaining about?!?!?!”
“You have everything, and you’ve had it forever!”

In fact, you have had it so long you think: 1. You deserve it just for being here, and 2. That it should be even better!!


Our country has become the 49ers. Things are amazing, buuuuuuuuut, we want them to be better. So we fire Harbaugh. How is that working out? (answer, not good, just ask Chip).

We have become Gavin Rosdale. We are married to hot ass Gwen Stefani, yet we need a little “strange” on the side. Something new. You know, not the status quo? How is that working out Gavin? Maybe if anyone gave a s*** about Bush 25 years later you would be better.

We are the spoiled brat with the Mercedes that wants the new BMW.

Even worse, we got the new BMW, but it was blue instead of silver.


My life sucks!!!!

We Are Becoming What We Hate

We are obviously losing our self-sufficiency, because we need Trump (God help us) to come in and “save” us!! “Help, help!! I’m only on a 14 person yacht!! Someone, anyone, help me get to the 25 person one!! Please!! Anyone!!”

What are we?

What have we become?

Or what have we been all along that we are finally seeing now?

We just elected an ego-maniacal jackoff to the position of leader of the free world.

The most powerful country in the world just “hired’ The Apprentice!!

I am not saying Hillary was the bees knees, but Trump? Grab them in the pussy? Build a wall? 
Monitor all Muslims, block them from entering? I would date my daughter if we weren’t related, Trump? Really?


Because we were fed up with the status quo.

Thank You Media

By using fear tactics to engage viewers with your bulls*** every night, you have actually gotten them to be scared. So scared in fact, that the most unqualified candidate in the last 100 years was able to double down on your rhetoric and win the presidency.


Because we don’t like the direction the country is headed.

And I agree.

F*** being the best.

Nice work America.

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